Category Archives: Appetizers

Feast of the Seven Fishes

Feast of the Seven Fishes

“You have to post the menu,” my sister-in-law informed me on Christmas day. “I mean, that was totally redonk.” You know it’s redonk, too, when mid-brunch – mid giant smorgasbord of choices brunch on Christmas day, your family is reviewing their favorite of the seven fishes. “The scallops. The scallops were my favorite,” my brotherContinue Reading

Artichoke-Lemon Dip

Artichoke-Lemon Dip

My sister-in-law makes a killer artichoke dip that plays prominently into the night-before-Thanksgiving festivities each year. With Easter fast approaching, and a break-neck schedule that has kept me from inviting my family and JR’s family to our house for the holiday (Hi Family, if you’re reading this, yes, Easter is on at our house. WannaContinue Reading

Broiled Oysters with Buttery Breadcrumbs

Broiled Oysters with Buttery Breadcrumbs

If only “oysters” began with a “b” – “boysters!” Who wouldn’t want Broiled Boysters with Buttery Breadcrumbs? “I want me some Quad-Bs”, we’d all say. Okay, maybe “boysters” is weird. I can accept that, but as much as I love these oysters, I also love alliteration. Perhaps to my dish-naming detriment. Oysters surely are notContinue Reading

Neighborhood Microclimates and a Use for Slightly Larger Than Shallot-sized Onions

Neighborhood Microclimates and a Use for Slightly Larger Than Shallot-sized Onions

Much of gardening theory – and therefore growing theory – is laid out before us in the pages of helpful and sometimes gorgeous gardening books, though, wine nerd that I am, I also find the wisdom of wine growers may be parlayed into the home garden. Smaller yields often result in better quality, keeping anContinue Reading

Rescued Tomato Crostini

Rescued Tomato Crostini

While it may seem to some that it’s all just chicken slaughter and hijinks over here at my house, we’ve actually been dealing with a slaughter of a different kind over the last month or so. I noticed the first yellowing leaves with brown spots on my gloriously full, abundantly-producing tomato plants late-July. Being sortContinue Reading