Category Archives: Flowers

This Week in the Garden: Peonies, Poppies, and Wisteria

This Week in the Garden: Peonies, Poppies, and Wisteria

We’re still eating plenty of asparagus, and our strawberries have just started to blush pink, so we’ll be enjoying those soon, but the real news in the garden this week is that the tardy peonies, poppies, and wisteria have all finally started to bloom. In a typical year, our poppies and herbaceous peonies begin toContinue Reading

This Week in the Garden: Early June

This Week in the Garden: Early June

Perfect spring days are like hallucinogens. Hallucinogens that I am happy to take, even while our perennial gardens’ progress is proof positive that this spring has been less than kind. Our southern New England growing season has been set back slightly, a result of the brutal winter, and the still occasionally brutal spring. But aContinue Reading

Planting Daffodil Bulbs

Planting Daffodil Bulbs

Daffodils are the tenth wedding anniversary flower, so, this year, on our tenth wedding anniversary (who are we to buck tradition?), we ordered 100 daffodil bulbs to fill out the very unkempt garden that sits right in front of our barn. The garden is also directly in front of our kitchen window, though at aContinue Reading

‘Tis the Season: Wordless Wednesday

‘Tis the Season: Wordless Wednesday

For seed-saving and herb drying.

Random Edibles from the Garden: Nasturtium Leaves

Random Edibles from the Garden: Nasturtium Leaves

Gardening is one of those activities at which people are their most generous. Seeds not planted by man – the resulting plants known as volunteers – sprout, and feeling too guilty to simply yank them from the garden, a gardener will offer them to friends and neighbors (sometimes these two categories are one and theContinue Reading