Category Archives: Garden

Welcome to Tiny Farmhouse!

Welcome to Tiny Farmhouse!

When I first met JR, way back in the early 1990s, he was raising Black Angus cattle. He was a little ahead of the curve in his cattle-rearing (like 20 years or so), as they were grass-fed. And this was a good thing, because they were tasty, but also a bad thing, because technique for cooking grass-fedContinue Reading

‘Tis the Season: Wordless Wednesday

‘Tis the Season: Wordless Wednesday

For seed-saving and herb drying.

The Strawberries Cometh. Eventually.

The Strawberries Cometh. Eventually.

For the last four months, I’ve been commuting to Boston, grateful for the gainful (freelance) employment, but not so thrilled at the travel time. Wah. I know. We can’t have it all, right? But with a drive in each direction of an hour or more (in this year’s frequent snow, sometimes more than 2 hours),Continue Reading

Garden of Plenty

Garden of Plenty

We planted the asparagus patch during the spring of 2008. “I won’t be able to eat those for three years,” JR would just about shout, exaggerating the claim slightly as is his way, and pointing to the wispy, yet sparse fronds, 21 plants packed together in one raised bed. “But it will be worth it,”Continue Reading

Rescued Tomato Crostini

Rescued Tomato Crostini

While it may seem to some that it’s all just chicken slaughter and hijinks over here at my house, we’ve actually been dealing with a slaughter of a different kind over the last month or so. I noticed the first yellowing leaves with brown spots on my gloriously full, abundantly-producing tomato plants late-July. Being sortContinue Reading