Trimming the Party Budget: On the air with FOX 25 Boston

It was a pleasure, as always, to visit with my friends at FOX 25 Boston, this time to discuss strategies for a budget cocktail party with the lovely and fun Elizabeth Hopkins.

One thing that Elizabeth and I didn’t have a chance to discuss on the air is embracing the potluck. Don’t be afraid to assign your family or friends specific dishes (“Elizabeth, would you mind making the caramelized onion tart for the party on Friday?” “No, of course not, Amy. I was wondering what to bring.” See how easy that was?).

Everyone wants to help, and divvying up the work – and expense – results in a much more manageable and fun time for you and your guests.

If you’re wondering where to find the caramelized onion dip recipe, that bad boy is located here.

The tart is located here (or at the link above in my imaginary conversation with Elizabeth).

For this visit to FOX, the tart was sans ricotta forte. If you aren’t able to locate ricotta forte, or don’t think it’s something you’d use on a regular basis, you can use goat cheese if you’d like to have cheese on your tart, or you can omit it completely.

And these lemony meatballs also make for an interesting and inexpensive app. If you’d like a vegan option, this quinoa, squash, and black bean salad is quick and easy – and also gluten-free.

Happy and safe holidays to you!

5 Comments to Trimming the Party Budget: On the air with FOX 25 Boston

  1. I love the idea of potluck parties because it makes it so much easier on the host and like you said… spreads the expense around.
    So glad you posted the video link. I had no idea you were going to be on!

  2. Camille says:

    I have to disagree on the potluck idea. I think it is beyond rude and tacky to invite guests to your home for a party and then ask them to bring something! If someone offers to bring something, then sure, give them an option like a dessert or beverage. There are instances where a potluck is fine, but what is the point of hosting a party when you ask GUESTS to share in the financial obligation. If you can’t afford a party don’t have one or find inexpensive options for food and just let guests know you will not be serving a meal. I’m so tired of being required to bring something to parties these days. Just invite me over — you don’t have to feed me.

  3. Amy says:

    Hi Rachel and Camille,

    I love that you both have the opposite view on potluck parties.

    As we know, it really depends upon the crew that you’re inviting. Some people, like Rachel, are good with bringing or asking guests to bring, while others, like Camille, would prefer not to ask or be asked. Most of the time, the host or hostess will know whether his or her friends will embrace the potluck, or whether they will frown upon it. From there, it’s up to the host to make a judgment call: to potluck or not to potluck.

    The main thought for this group of tips was to offer a few strategies, which can then be used as the individual person sees fit, and, of course, the tips in the video are geared at the host or hostess who is providing the drinks and snacks.

    I hope that you both got something out of the tips – even if potluck isn’t your thing.

    Thank you, and happy (almost) New Year!

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  5. Daily Saving says:

    Hi Amy, I love the idea and see it work often. I agree, it totally depends on the crew but also the situation… I find that most people are in a very reasonable, understanding, and giving mindset. They recognize that the gathering is what’s important and the default attitude is, “what can I bring, what can I do to help?” because it’s the holidays and everyone is busy. If that’s not the case, you need new friends. Happy New Year! (always great to see you on TV- great job!) Brian

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