Category Archives: Entrees

Corn Risotto

Corn Risotto

The beauty of risotto is its versatility. During the fall and winter, we make a version using roasted beets, or winter squash. In the spring, peas and asparagus with a squeeze of lemon does the trick. It can be made plain, or with any number of different vegetables, with chicken, seafood, beef, pork, lamb. EvenContinue Reading

Beet, Goat Cheese, and Bacon Salad with Honey-Lime Dressing

Beet, Goat Cheese, and Bacon Salad with Honey-Lime Dressing

Beets are growing in our garden as we speak. I’d like it if, as I typed, they did a little real life time-lapse effect, and expanded quickly from seed to golden globe, ready for roasting. Alas, gardening requires patience. Our beet seeds were sown on the 14th of April, and my garden calendar alleges thatContinue Reading

Three-Bean Chili (and nachos, too)

Three-Bean Chili (and nachos, too)

With the Super Bowl quickly approaching, I have a pressing question for you: Do you ever do the menu visualization trick when you’re in a restaurant that isn’t, well, a fine dining establishment?  You know, the dive-y, pubby places where you just know that the kitchen staff cuts the package open, pours it into theContinue Reading

Butternut Squash-Butter Sauce with Kerrygold Reduced Fat Butter

Butternut Squash-Butter Sauce with Kerrygold Reduced Fat Butter

About five years ago, I took a class in cheese studies. This is an actual university course (albeit continuing education), and when the course ended, those of us who passed the final exam received certificates in Cheese Studies (initial caps intended). Probably unsurprising if you’ve been reading here for a while, I’m proud to sayContinue Reading

Happy Campers Eat Savory Ricotta Pancakes with Slow-Roasted Tomato Sauce

Happy Campers Eat Savory Ricotta Pancakes with Slow-Roasted Tomato Sauce

That’s a somewhat misleading title. Perhaps I should have called this “Storm Stories: Moderately Disgruntled Campers Eat in the Dark for Five Nights”, but I’ll bet that The Weather Channel wouldn’t find that amusing or worthy of a half-hour long show. Camping really has never been my thing. Happy camping even less so. I wasContinue Reading