Category Archives: Seafood

BBQ Bonanza at The Leather District Gourmet

BBQ Bonanza at The Leather District Gourmet

All summer long, my friend Jackie has been hosting a BBQ Bonanza on her site, The Leather District Gourmet. She’s had fabulous chefs and writers share their recipes for the grill, with a focus on sustainability. I hope that you’ll check out all of the posts, as there’s a lot to learn, and so manyContinue Reading

Broiled Oysters with Buttery Breadcrumbs

Broiled Oysters with Buttery Breadcrumbs

If only “oysters” began with a “b” – “boysters!” Who wouldn’t want Broiled Boysters with Buttery Breadcrumbs? “I want me some Quad-Bs”, we’d all say. Okay, maybe “boysters” is weird. I can accept that, but as much as I love these oysters, I also love alliteration. Perhaps to my dish-naming detriment. Oysters surely are notContinue Reading

The Sardines Have It

The Sardines Have It

While reading this post about challenging oneself to create meals from what’s on hand in one’s pantry – a technique that we do employ with frequency here (Artichoke hearts? Check. Olives? Check. Pasta? Ahhhh, yeah. Check.), I realized that if said dish includes meat, it nearly always comes from within the confines of the refrigeratorContinue Reading

Creamy Red Clam Chowder

Creamy Red Clam Chowder

“Or perhaps it’s bisque”, I thought as I was pouring the cream into the mix. So, once the soup was simmering, I sought out definitions for both. Chowder generally refers to a chunky soup – frequently made with seafood and cream (especially here in New England) – and bisque is a thick soup with pureedContinue Reading

Summer is for Seafood

Summer is for Seafood

Ahhh, if only we in the northeast were not denied our beach time this year. It’s been a rainy and dismal summer here in New England, the break finally coming at the tail end of July, at which time, JR and I – along with JR’s entire family – traveled to my brother-in-law’s house inContinue Reading