Category Archives: Homemade Pantry

Peach-Honey Bourbon Sauce

Peach-Honey Bourbon Sauce

The glassy, refreshing Rhode Island ocean and cloud-free lapis lazuli skies are to blame for the brevity of today’s post. Really, I had intended so much more commentary; commentary about my obvious, and quite wholesome love of peaches, my far less wholesome love of bourbon, the joy of grilling chicken thighs over a charcoal fire,Continue Reading

Two Easy No-cook Sauces for a Spring Feast

Two Easy No-cook Sauces for a Spring Feast

My family has a long history of putting out copious amounts of food on any given holiday. Not one to break with tradition – at least not with food traditions, especially not as far as the tradition of plenty goes – each year, for Easter, we make a leg of lamb and a ham. WhyContinue Reading

Cranberry-Apple Chutney

Cranberry-Apple Chutney

If you, like my brother, abhor the combination of cranberries and orange, for they produce a tangy cranberry sauce (we’re talking homemade here, I’m not implying that one should ever pour orange juice over the gelatinous, can-ridged sauce), this cranberry-apple chutney should do the trick to satisfy your not-so-bracing holiday-sauce cravings. With a base ofContinue Reading

Rose hip jelly

Rose hip jelly

Lately, I’ve been scavenging for food. Or so it seems. In an effort to keep our food bill down, I’m being sure to use up everything I can collect or, um, harvest I believe is the more appropriate term, in the garden, and, it is that time of year again when my farmer neighbors’ honor-systemContinue Reading

Random Edibles from the Garden: Nasturtium Leaves

Random Edibles from the Garden: Nasturtium Leaves

Gardening is one of those activities at which people are their most generous. Seeds not planted by man – the resulting plants known as volunteers – sprout, and feeling too guilty to simply yank them from the garden, a gardener will offer them to friends and neighbors (sometimes these two categories are one and theContinue Reading